This blog will focus on the development of Mark Skwarek and friends' New Media Art. This will mainly be based around Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
Play AR has been submitted to the Apple App Store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have a rough working version of Play AR and have submitted to the Apple App Store!!! Android submission coming soon....
It still has a ways to go, but the basic system is working! Our first version is a multi-user experience played out across the earth. You can play pretty much anywhere, anytime. Take over the land where you are and add models to it once you beat it. Once u beat it you own it and you can add interactive content to the location. We are making the user creation software in parallel with the multi-user and its not quite ready yet. Soon. Prizes are coming soon as well. We are trying to sync them with the app so the app had to be done.