furtherfield review for "Spill >> Forward" show -- full review here"If I had to pick out just a few pieces from the show I'd say that I was struck by the sounds of Luke Munn's
Deepwater Suite, by the visuals of Ubermorgen's
DEEPHORIZON, by the monochrome images and text of
Terri Garland's photography, by the video mash-up of Colette Broeders'
Breathe and by the critical camp of Graham Bell's
Radical Ecology. I think my favourite is Mark Skwarek and Joseph Hocking's
"The Leak in Your Home Town", an iPhone app that uses the
BP logo as an Augmented Reality marker to super-impose a 3D animation of the Deepwater leak over live video of your local BP petrol station. It is art that could only be made now, technologically, aesthetically and socially.
The aesthetic and conceptual competence of the artistic responses to the environmental and human crises of the oil spills in Spill >> Forward make the case for art still being a relevant and capable answer to society's need to make sense of unfolding events. Art can still provide a much-needed space for reflection, and Spill >> Forward creates just such a space in a very contemporary way."